Review: Gotta Have God Devotionals for Kids
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Review: Gotta Have God Devotionals for Kids

I've purchased over 20 devotionals for my kids through the years, comparing based on which ones they actually enjoyed, which ones were age-appropriate, had space for writing, had activities: guys my standards are HIGH.

I love love love the Gotta Have God Devotionals for Boys and the God and Me Devotionals for Girls. My kids loved these ones, too. They're fun, full-color, and have stories kids actually connect to while pointing them to Jesus.

What do I love about it: The doctrine is solid and biblical with a verse for each day. It's a page-a-day and interactive. There's something to write each day which helps keep kids engaged. The stories are fun and relatable with great messages. There are many pages with quizzes, places to draw, and other cute little features. It's a one-year devotional which means you're not having to buy another in three months.

I purchase them on Amazon and Christian Books. Some were not available on Amazon so I'd use even though shipping wasn't free. A bonus regarding this devotional is that it's a series, broken down by age. There is a devotional for ages 2-3/2-5 all the way to 10-12.

How to introduce a devotional: Teaching kids to spend time daily with God is key to helping them develop their own relationship with Jesus. Doing so in the morning is the best way to go because whatever they learn and however God speaks to them through the pages, the lesson will stay with them during the day.

You'll truly marvel with how God will often go ahead of a problem or challenge and prepare them for it with the specific devotional they did that they.

Talk to your child about the importance of quiet time with God. Older kids who have experience with quiet times can do them on their own. Once it becomes part of their routine, they will get used to taking the time before screen time or other types of play. For younger kids or children still learning to incorporte a quiet time, help them by doing it together.

I explained it to my kids like this: there are 24 hours in a day. You're giving God the first 15-20 minutes. That's not too much and it has a tremendous effect on your life. It's anchoring and reminds children that no matter what happens in the day, God is with them. They will start each day knowing they are valuable, loved, and precious in God's sight no matter what the day throws at them.

The secular world knows the importance of meditation and mindfulness. There are studies that have shown the benefits. How much more effective are mindfulness and meditation when they are focused on who we are in God?

Model the importance of quiet time by making sure you are having your own with God in the morning. It helps children see that it's for everyone. It fills your home with a certain peace.

I'm posting links to the Gotta Have God devotional set below as well as a few photos. We are and Amazon affiliates and earn a comission, but all opinions are our own.

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